Completed Works: 1980 to Present.

Editorial design
Brand design
Content Strategy

Graphic designer

In the ambitious task of crafting an extensive monograph for Valode & Pistre architects, I captured over four decades of architectural innovation, which left an indelible imprint on the global landscape.

My mission involved overseeing the entire lifecycle of the publication, from initial editing and refinement to the final distribution, with the goal of captivating audiences across Europe, the United States, and Australia.

This undertaking required the seamless coordination of efforts among Valode & Pistre's founders, the author, publishing houses, and graphic design teams. Through the refinement of graphical representations, we ensured that architectural concepts were conveyed with clarity. I meticulously managed layout and typesetting, along with curating a captivating selection of photographs and immersive 3D renderings.

This effort extended the reach to a broader audience. I executed the strategic distribution of these publications to international subsidiaries in Russia, China, and Dubai, followed by a book signing event to commemorate the agency's 40 years of continuous innovative work.


Après la Pluie


Hors Série No. 18